Breast augmentation became a plastic surgery staple in the 20th century. Since then, breast augmentation has continued to become bigger and better. New technology in surgery and implants become available to patients which has changed what is possible with cosmetic breast surgery. Gummy bear breast implants are the newest breast implant technology that helps breasts look and feel even more natural with less risk. Dr. Blyer, aka DrBfixin, provides the best gummy bear breast augmentation Long Island offers.
Most healthy women with qualifying anatomy are good candidates for a breast lift with augmentation. Often these patients will have weight loss, pregnancies, or years of aging in their history. These are three of the most common reasons women undergo the surgery.
Beyond this, the patient should understand the procedure and the necessary incisions. They will have realistic expectations. Healthwise, as long as a patient is managing any major health conditions, does not have certain medical disorders, and is not undergoing cancer treatment or similar immune suppressant treatment, they are likely a good candidate.
Dr. B will use a combination of the patient’s existing anatomy, goals for the surgery, and medical history to determine if the patient is a good candidate. He will also create a customized surgical plan.
Gummy bear breast augmentation offers patients many possible benefits and advantages. Some of these possible benefits include:
As the two most popular breast implant choices, silicone and gummy bear implants often stump patients picking out their implants. Both have their distinct benefits and both can provide fantastic results. Dr. B can help patients choose the right type of breast implant based on their current and desired anatomy. The table below provides an initial guide for comparing silicone and gummy bear implants.
Ultimately, both silicone gel implants and gummy bear implants can provide exceptionally natural results. Certain aspects of the patient’s existing anatomy will contibute. For example, if a patient wants to increase their cleavage, traditional silicone is likely a better choice. If a patient does not want major shape enhancements, but wants to increase the size and projection of her breasts, gummy bear breast implants may be the optimal choice.
Patients are often surprised by the recovery after a breast augmentation procedure. While still a surgery, the post-operative pain is generally minimal and patients can return to work in around a week. Dr. B will also provide recovery instructions based on the specific procedure. The basic breast augmentation surgery recovery instructions include:
The exact recovery instructions will depend on several factors. However, Dr. B performs gummy bear breast augmentation as an outpatient surgery which means patients will go home the same day.
Gummy bear breast implants have an overall high satisfaction rate. There are situations where other implants may be more suited to the patient’s needs and goals. In general, plastic surgeons and patients consider gummy bear implants to be more durable and the most natural looking option among all breast implant options.
Breast implants are designed to withstand roughly three times an average body weight. With that said, when it comes to direct pressure on the implants, silicone and gummy bear breast implants can withstand at least 300 pounds. Rupture due to injury or accident is rare. The most common cause of rupture is natural wear and tear of the implants. Generally, this takes several years.
Breast implants maintain their size regardless of weight loss. Major sagging due to weight loss is unlikely, but may be more likely in older patients with lower skin quality. Young patients can usually undergo weight fluctuations and pregnancy without major effects on their implants.
Patients should note that breast implants cannot prevent sagging. Therefore, as they age and the breasts naturally begin to sag, the implants will follow. Gummy bear breast implants are less likely to, but patients should expect and understand this before undergoing breast augmentation surgery.
Breast augmentation with silicone breast implants starts at $8,500 at Cameo Surgery Center. Gummy bear implants may incur additional costs. Financing options including Care Credit as available.