The most popular cosmetic surgery in the world is breast augmentation where a surgeon makes the breasts larger. However, for some patients, the exact opposite is necessary. Sometimes the breasts can become too large and impact a patient’s quality of life. A breast reduction surgery can address these concerns by making the breasts smaller. Dr. Scott Blyer at Cameo Surgery Center specializes in all forms of cosmetic breast surgery, including the best breast reduction Long Island and NYC provides.
Breast reduction is a cosmetic surgery that makes the breasts smaller and can provide a small lift. The procedure serves both aesthetic and medical purposes in many cases. Overly large breasts in comparison to a patient’s body frame can cause them to wear clothing that fits their breasts but is too big otherwise. Heavy, large breasts can also sag sooner than they would otherwise.
Excess breast tissue and skin is not only a cosmetic issue. It can also cause or worsen certain medical issues such as:
Breast reduction surgery can help alleviate or improve the various symptoms and side effects of having overly large breasts. The results are likely to be permanent.
The causes of overly large breasts vary. Some women are simply predisposed to developing more breast tissue and may see rapid or excess breast growth during puberty. Certain medications, hormone changes during pregnancy, and autoimmune conditions like lupus can all influence increased breast growth. The condition is also called gigantomastia.
Undergoing breast reduction surgery on Long Island comes with benefits and risks. Generally, the average patient carries an overall low risk profile and the benefits they would enjoy greatly outweigh the chances of any complications. All surgeries come with risks and elective surgeries require careful consideration and understanding of the benefits and risks.
The benefits of breast reduction Long Island may include:
Breast reduction and breast lift surgery use nearly identical incisions and look extremely similar. However, they are two separate procedures, albeit often performed together. Women who need a reduction will often also benefit from a lift, but not always. The table below details some of the differences between the two procedures.
Many similarities also exist. For example, both procedures are likely to move the position of the nipple and areola upward. A breast reduction and breast lift may use similar surgical techniques to achieve this.
A breast reduction surgery typically involves an anchor-shaped incision. Circling the areola, the incision continues vertically down the breast and through the inframammary fold. This does make at least some portion of the scarring visible on the bare breasts, but for patients experiencing the uncomfortable symptoms of gigantomastia, this is often a fair trade-off for less pain and better quality of life.
Using this incision, Dr. B removes the necessary amount of breast tissue and skin. Depending on the extent of the reduction, he may maintain the nipple’s blood supply and reposition it once he is done removing the tissue. In larger breast reductions, he may perform a free nipple graft which removes the nipple completely and replaces it on the breast. Maintaining the blood supply is the preferred method, but when not possible the free nipple graft option allows patients to still undergo a lift while lowering chances of nipple necrosis during massive breast reduction surgery.
Often, yes, patients do look slimmer after breast reduction surgery because they can wear clothing that fits properly. Additionally, sometimes overly large breasts can mask the rest of the body’s contours and lead a patient to look bigger than they are. Though, not every breast reduction patient will notice that they look thinner.
Patients who had trouble exercising due to large breasts frequently find it easier to lose weight after a breast reduction because they can comfortably be more active. Additionally, there is a mental component. If a patient’s mental health improves, this can motivate them to lose weight and feel better about the progress they make.
There is not one breast size that qualifies for a breast reduction. The patient’s height, weight, body type, body frame, and other aspects of their anatomy all contribute to determining what the appropriate breast size is for any individual woman. Some women may comfortably carry DDD cups while others could experience discomfort with C cups. Ultimately, it comes down to whether or not a patient is experiencing symptoms that are reducing their quality of life.
Most surgeons will advise patients to wait until they are at least 18 before undergoing a breast reduction. There are rare cases where it may be performed before 18, but this is generally only in extreme circumstances. Even if excessive breast growth begins in puberty, the breasts may not fully mature until between 18 and 22. Therefore, waiting until at least 18 allows patients to see the best result and have lower rates of recurrence.
A breast reduction surgery with Dr. Blyer at Cameo Surgery Center starts at $15,999. The exact cost will depend on other combined procedures and the extent of the surgery. Dr. B will and his team will provide a customized price quote at a consultation.